Photo of ENRIQUE ROCHA Mexico
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The artistic work of ENRIQUE ROCHA ams dating back thirty years. His artistic inclination has been influenced by the murals of Orozco and Rivera in the buildings of the historic center of Mexico City, and by the paintings of pulque in the neighborhood of Lecumberri. Where naciel October 20, 1955. AFTER adquirisu artistic formation at the School of Architecture, National University, of which more later he taught design and...

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Photo of ENRIQUE ROCHA Mexico

The artistic work of ENRIQUE ROCHA ams dating back thirty years. His artistic inclination has been influenced by the murals of Orozco and Rivera in the buildings of the historic center of Mexico City, and by the paintings of pulque in the neighborhood of Lecumberri. Where naciel October 20, 1955. AFTER adquirisu artistic formation at the School of Architecture, National University, of which more later he taught design and drawing. Tomcursos also the Grafica Popular Workshop for the years 1971 and 1972, drawing in the Autonomous Metropolitan University in 1996 and free classes in the old Academy of San Carlos. In 1974 Master JosHernndez Delgadillo ilustrcon the Popular Front newspaper. In 1975 formlos Grafica Brigade, a collective of artists dedicated to urban design and mural painting, which was used to cartny estncil air gun. Ephemeral mural painting was made in neighborhoods and working class areas. In 1979 Amnesty International is the poster group reconocial, October 2, 1910 years of struggle. From the year 1981 is professionally dedicated to graphic design, which desempea without interruption for 17 years with unions, producing nearly 600 poster designs. Two of those years do any work alongside American artist Rini Templeton in various publications. In 1988, the group exhibition Art in the Making of the Metropolitan University. The following year exhibited sculptures in the exhibition In Memoriam in the galley House of Time from the same university. In 2002 solo show at the Casa de Cultura de San Juan Ixtayopan Tlahuac, individual exhibition in 2004 at the Galley House Reyes Heroles Culture in Coyoacan. Individual exhibition at the Gallery in April of Sullivan Street, City of Mexico. Solo show called looking South in the Congress building from the city of Toluca. Individual exhibition in the line of Rincon Zapatista call Earth. Solo show at the congress building in Mexico City, called Looking South 2. In relation to architecture was advisor Competition Latin American Federation of Architects in 1982. Fuprofesor Light Structures Laboratory of the Universidad Metropolitana and Experimental Structures Diploma Organize them with Mr. Jrgen Heineke, University of Stuttgart. Prof Participcon: Montero in the project cost ceiling under subprogramme Cyted-Unesco.

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